Over the last few months, the middle school boys small group at Eastside Community Church have been studying the life of Jesus Christ. We are going through the book of Matthew right now and we are going through the Sermon on the Mount. This past Wednesday night, the subject was about worry. Jesus teaching the multitude not to worry about everyday life. The awesome thing about the passage in Matthew 6:25-34, is the examples that He gives. He tells them to look at the birds, they don't worry about food. He asks the multitude, aren't you far more valuable to him than they are? Then, He goes even further. Look at the lilies in the field, they don't work or make their clothing. God cares for them. Then, He calls the multitude out. Jesus says, Why do you have so little faith? Those verses speak volumes today for us. The world today is filled with worries, and people hold on to those worries and never turn them over to the One that will give them peace. Why do we worry when there is someone that will give us peace? Give your worries to Him.
Keep Christ First
Worry is definitely my weakness...