Fusion Student Ministry

Fusion Student Ministry
Fusion Student Ministry

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Joy in an Uncomfortable Situation

Joy in an uncomfortable situation, that sounds crazy doesn't it.  How in the world can anyone find joy in that.  It is by God working mightily and you feel His presence, that where the joy comes from.  We all want to have a normal, comfortable life.  We want to feel comfortable from our family and friends to our workplace to school.  We want to rely on our strengths to handle any situation, but God works through us in our weaknesses.  It is a step of faith.  I remember my grandfather had an acronym for the word faith that he used all the time.
A-All Others
I- I

I don't know how many times over the last few months, that I had to ask for God to help me through a weakness.  It is awesome to see how God works.  In a weakness, you have to rely on God to work in whatever the situation may be.  When He works, it is truly an awesome and humbling time. Knowing that there is no way I can do this on my own.  Just a few months ago, my aunt asked me to do the funeral of her sister.  When she asked me, it truly scared me to death.  Not that I didn't want to do it, but I had never done a funeral before.  Truthfully, I don't even like going to funerals.  After much prayer and speaking to my pastor, I agreed to do the funeral.  On the day of the funeral, there was a peace that I can't even come close to explaining.  God had laid John 14:1-4 on my heart as I prepared and He opened a door for me to try to comfort the family and share the Gospel with those in attendance.  A step of faith that God used to work in a mighty way.  I walked away from that funeral knowing that God helped me and was with me and that is where I found joy.

Keep Christ First

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