You here a lot of people say how they can't wait for the weekend. Most of the time its only Monday. I am as guilty as anyone, I have said that very thing more times than I can remember. Here is just a thought that I woke up with this morning that really rocked my world. If this is a day that the Lord has made, than why do I wish it away like it means nothing. Why do I want the week to move so quickly, when each day that I am given is a gift from God. I am not guaranteed tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year. So if we are going to truly enjoy life and make the most of it, we need to thank the Lord each day for the gift of another day and take that day and use it to give Him honor and glory. Lets make today a day that others see Christ in us.
Keep Christ First
Billy Edwards
Glad to see you blogging. I've subscribed to your RSS feed and will be reading through Outlook. Keep it coming!