Fusion Student Ministry

Fusion Student Ministry
Fusion Student Ministry

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Workers in the Field

My middle school boys small group were studying through Matthew 9 last night.  In the majority of the chapter, you see people putting their faith in Him to heal them.  We spent a few minutes on theses verses, then we camped out with the last three verses.  Where Jesus said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into the harvest field."  Matthew 9:37-38  I asked the boys what they thought Jesus was talking about.  One of them said, there is more work to do than there are workers.  That answer truly rocked my world.  Are we as a body of believers doing all that we can do to spread the message that God loves you and died for your sins.  Are we truly reaching out to the lonely and hurting in our community.  For the longest time, I believed that once you accepted Christ and you went to church, you did all that you had to do.  God opened my eyes.  God has a plan for each and everyone of us, to be His hands and feet.  If there is a need in the community, the church should be there to help in that need.  If someone is lonely and hurting, a child of God should be there.  Not to judge, but to be a comfort.  It does take us stepping out of our comfort and is a self sacrifice.  Putting others before us.   In the end God gets the glory for the obedience of His children.  There becomes more workers for the field.

Next Monday, 26 teens and adult leaders will be going to North Carolina for camp.  Please pray for our group and that God will touch the hearts of the group.  There will be updates on my blog next week

Keep Christ First

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