Fusion Student Ministry

Fusion Student Ministry
Fusion Student Ministry

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Having a Blast at Camp

Well, its Thursday afternoon and the Fusion students are at Fuge camp.  We are having a blast and it hard to believe that the week is flying by.  This year's camp experience as been amazing so far.  We are doing the XFuge on Mission camp.  This is a where for some of our time here, we are serving in the community around the Black Mountain area.  We have cleaned roadsides around parks, landscaped around local schools, and worked in a community garden.  This garden is used to supply vegetables to the community.  Several of the people in the Black Mountain area are real nature lovers.  They have put the Earth as their god.  We believe in Mother Earth providing for them.  So we had the chance to show God's love, by simply coming to help them with weed and clean around the garden.  Its hard to believe that in a small town, that has a large camp like Ridgecrest, that a large majority of the people that live here don't believe in God.  There are several that practice witchcraft and several that believe Mother Earth.  That is the amazing thing about this camp that we are a part of.  Each week for two months during the summer, church youth groups from all over the United States come to Ridgercrest.  During this time, teens spend time getting closer to God, grow into stronger groups, and share God's love to the people around this area.  It has been another great year at camp and I always enjoy coming here with our youth.  Check out information about the Fuge camps at Lifeway.com.

In His Service,

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Workers in the Field

My middle school boys small group were studying through Matthew 9 last night.  In the majority of the chapter, you see people putting their faith in Him to heal them.  We spent a few minutes on theses verses, then we camped out with the last three verses.  Where Jesus said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into the harvest field."  Matthew 9:37-38  I asked the boys what they thought Jesus was talking about.  One of them said, there is more work to do than there are workers.  That answer truly rocked my world.  Are we as a body of believers doing all that we can do to spread the message that God loves you and died for your sins.  Are we truly reaching out to the lonely and hurting in our community.  For the longest time, I believed that once you accepted Christ and you went to church, you did all that you had to do.  God opened my eyes.  God has a plan for each and everyone of us, to be His hands and feet.  If there is a need in the community, the church should be there to help in that need.  If someone is lonely and hurting, a child of God should be there.  Not to judge, but to be a comfort.  It does take us stepping out of our comfort and is a self sacrifice.  Putting others before us.   In the end God gets the glory for the obedience of His children.  There becomes more workers for the field.

Next Monday, 26 teens and adult leaders will be going to North Carolina for camp.  Please pray for our group and that God will touch the hearts of the group.  There will be updates on my blog next week

Keep Christ First

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Joy in an Uncomfortable Situation

Joy in an uncomfortable situation, that sounds crazy doesn't it.  How in the world can anyone find joy in that.  It is by God working mightily and you feel His presence, that where the joy comes from.  We all want to have a normal, comfortable life.  We want to feel comfortable from our family and friends to our workplace to school.  We want to rely on our strengths to handle any situation, but God works through us in our weaknesses.  It is a step of faith.  I remember my grandfather had an acronym for the word faith that he used all the time.
A-All Others
I- I

I don't know how many times over the last few months, that I had to ask for God to help me through a weakness.  It is awesome to see how God works.  In a weakness, you have to rely on God to work in whatever the situation may be.  When He works, it is truly an awesome and humbling time. Knowing that there is no way I can do this on my own.  Just a few months ago, my aunt asked me to do the funeral of her sister.  When she asked me, it truly scared me to death.  Not that I didn't want to do it, but I had never done a funeral before.  Truthfully, I don't even like going to funerals.  After much prayer and speaking to my pastor, I agreed to do the funeral.  On the day of the funeral, there was a peace that I can't even come close to explaining.  God had laid John 14:1-4 on my heart as I prepared and He opened a door for me to try to comfort the family and share the Gospel with those in attendance.  A step of faith that God used to work in a mighty way.  I walked away from that funeral knowing that God helped me and was with me and that is where I found joy.

Keep Christ First

Friday, June 17, 2011

Why do you worry?

Over the last few months, the middle school boys small group at Eastside Community Church have been studying the life of Jesus Christ.  We are going through the book of Matthew right now and we are going through the Sermon on the Mount.  This past Wednesday night, the subject was about worry.  Jesus teaching the multitude not to worry about everyday life.  The awesome thing about the passage in Matthew 6:25-34, is the examples that He gives.  He tells them to look at the birds, they don't worry about food.  He asks the multitude, aren't you far more valuable to him than they are?  Then, He goes even further.  Look at the lilies in the field, they don't work or make their clothing.  God cares for them.  Then, He calls the multitude out.  Jesus says, Why do you have so little faith?  Those verses speak volumes today for us.  The world today is filled with worries, and people hold on to those worries and never turn them over to the One that will give them peace.  Why do we worry when there is someone that will give us peace?  Give your worries to Him.

Keep Christ First

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Looking forward to the weekend

You here a lot of people say how they can't wait for the weekend.  Most of the time its only Monday.  I am as guilty as anyone, I have said that very thing more times than I can remember.  Here is just a thought  that I woke up with this morning that really rocked my world.  If this is a day that the Lord has made, than why do I wish it away like it means nothing.  Why do I want the week to move so quickly, when each day that I am given is a gift from God.  I am not guaranteed tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year.  So if we are going to truly enjoy life and make the most of it, we need to thank the Lord each day for the gift of another day and take that day and use it to give Him honor and glory.  Lets make today a day that others see Christ in us.

Keep Christ First
Billy Edwards