Fusion Student Ministry

Fusion Student Ministry
Fusion Student Ministry

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

High School Basketball Night

Starting Thursday, March 21st, Fusion Student Ministries is having a weekly get together for high school guys to come and play some basketball.  We will be getting together at Kit Carson Elementary from 6-8pm. 

New Small Group Study & a Fusion First

We are at the end of "Defining Moments," the first church-wide campaign at Eastside.  I have enjoyed the discussions that have come inside of the middle school boys small group.  As I began to look for what's next to study as a student ministry, I began to think about what is typically missing in the Christian walk of a teenager.  After spending several days searching, I came across a study that I feel is something that can drastically impact the life of each of the students, if they will dive into this study.  The title of this study is, "Sticky Faith." Starting on Wednesday, April 17th, we will begin the 8-week study that will begin to show students Biblical disciplines and study helps, so they can learn to memorize Scripture.  Each week, we will begin our Wednesday night with a time of worship.  Then, we will break into small groups, we may even mix up the groups for this study.  Our Wednesday nights begin at 6:15pm.  If your are a middle school or high school student, come join us and be a part of a small group.

On April 19-20, we will be having a DNOW Lock-in at Eastside Community Church.  The event kicks of at 6pm on Friday night with an amazing worship service.  The Bible study that we will be having is, "I AM JONAH."  We are going to have games, we are going to have food, but most importantly, we are going to take a hard look at the story of Jonah and how our lives have a lot of similarities with his.  There will be three breakouts, with a small group time afterwards.  The lock-in will end around 6pm on Saturday evening.  There is a cost, it is $20 per student, that will pay for food, study curriculum, and a t-shirt.  I have send invitations to youth groups around Madison County and we want students to invite their friends.  The goal for this event is, for students to see that God has BIG plans for them and what are they running from.