1. The new Fusion T-shirts are in and they look AWESOME!!! If you ordered one, you can pick it up on Sunday morning. Don't worry if you think, I missed out on the order," we have extra.
2. On September 9th, Eastside will be going to two Sunday morning services, 9:30 and 11AM. The 9:30AM service, will give the Fusion students options-service or worship. The 11AM service, we will have our Fusion service in the Fusion room. I encourage all students to come at 9:30AM and get involved in serving others at Eastside.
3. On Sunday, September 16th, we will begin the new church-wide campaign, Not a Fan. We will be seeing what a true follower is God's Word and watch a video by Kyle Idleman each Sunday during Fusion Sunday mornings at 11AM. Then on Wednesday night starting September 19th, we will come together for our weekly Fusion small groups and go through the study that lasts for six weeks. You can pick up your free copy of not a fan: teen edition, the next time you are at Eastside.
I just want to take a second and thank God for our Fusion leaders. They have had to put up with me, they definitely have shown grace to me. These leaders are awesome and I can say without a doubt, they love our students and want to see them become fully-devoted followers of God. I am excited to welcome two new members of our leadership team, Amanda and Chris Meeks. Amanda will be a leader for the middle school girls and Chris will be a leader for the middle school guys. Help me to welcome them to our team.
Finally, this Sunday is Friend Day at Eastside Community Church. We will be having lunch on the campus following the Sunday service. I want to encourage you to invite, invite, invite!!!
Keep Christ First,
Billy Edwards
Student Pastor
Fusion Student Ministries
Eastside Community Church